Miguel Garutti (Buenos Aires, 1988) is a musician and researcher. He graduated in Arts from the University of Buenos Aires, where he is working on his doctoral thesis on Latin American electroacoustic music in the 1970s. He studied piano, composition, and technology at the Provincial Conservatory of Pehuajó, the National University of Quilmes, and the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He has received various scholarships, including the UBACyT for his doctorate, a contemporary opera training scholarship from the New Opera Winter School, and was selected as an "agent" in the artist program of the Center for Artistic Research (CIA).

He works in the preservation of audio tapes at the Research and Musical Production Laboratory of the Recoleta Cultural Center and collaborates with the Fernando von Reichenbach Archive of Music and Sound Art (UNQ). He co-organized the International Congress "Instrumental Theater: Music and Stage in Latin America (1954-2006)" with Violeta Nigro Giunta, with the participation of EHESS from Paris, France, the National University of Quilmes, the University of Buenos Aires, and the Sound Art Center of the Ministry of Culture of Argentina.

Since 2019, he has organized the concert series "Fantasía y Abstracción" in collaboration with Simón Pérez, where he premiered his video opera "The Contraction of Waiting," created with Martina Juncadella, in December 2022 at the Experimental Center of the Teatro Colón. His individual and collaborative works have been presented at the Experimental Center of the Teatro Colón, Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires, Petorutti Museum in La Plata, Paiján residency in Trujillo, Peru, Isla Flotante gallery, 21st Performance Biennial in Buenos Aires, Museum of Contemporary Art in Buenos Aires, Fita Crepe Studio in São Paulo, Cultural Center of Pitalito in Huila, Colombia, Tsonami in Valparaíso, Chile, Byte Footage Festival at the Kirchner Cultural Center, Städelschule and Naxos in Frankfurt, Germany, and Parc Buttes-Chaumont in Paris, France, among others.

He is currently preparing a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Trujillo, Peru.